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winter ho'in
May 21, 2006
Reaction score
here's a few vids i took a few days ago. yes im hitting into a net at about 0*C with snow on the ground. keep in mind, i hadnt hardly swung a club for 3 weeks prior to making these videos, so i know i've got some bad stuff going on at the top of the swing, and a bit with my hips. also i was in no way trying to "smooth" it for the camera. just a normal solid swing.
critique if you wish.
first: driver swing from behind :
second driver swing from the front:http://media.putfile.com/driver-swing---front

ps. my dad (camera man) knows nothing about golf hence the dumb comments. haha
I thought you were going to slip and fall on the snow.
I'm not good at picking out faults, my own or others, unless they are glaring. I can say one thing that's helped me is weakening my strong right hand grip and working more at turning the head over.

Figured I'd give some reply. Since you dragged your dad out to freeze his a$$ off taking the video.
I think you come over the top a little. You may want to work on shortening the backswing and losing the little hitch you have. Try for a smoother transition from the inside.
There are a few minor things wrong with you

1)You are too upright and look like you're leaning on your toes at address. Try and feel the weight on the balls of your feet.
2)You get ahead of the ball at impact. This is leading to either a block or a pull hook. Am I correct?

Apart from that it's a decent swing and you'd probably benefit from higher lofted drivers as the launch looks fairly low to me
A few pointers i would suggest:

At address shoulders are open to proposed target line, very upright posture, only a touch of flex needed in the knees but just so you feel your weight between the centre and the balls of your feet.

Backswing: excessive rotation of the hands from the start creates a very flat backswing with your hands getting very deep (meaning a long way behind you) very early this creates a problem whereby to finish the backswing your right arm has to fold in behind you to support the club, which in itself causes the club to cross the line (point to the right) and also resulting in a tendency for your weight to stay on your left side.

Downswing:As a consequence of what has gone before your move down is a good one but results in the club on a good shaft plane but returning too far from inside your ideal path which would result in a multitude of shots, hooks if you were a bit keen with your release, or pushes if you dont release soon enough.

My Suggestions:
1. Little bit more kneeflex as to facilitate better balance
2.Square shoulders to alignment lines as to start on the right path
3. Try to keep clubface looking at ball until at least hip height this will help keep the club more out in front of you.

As a result of that beginning move you should then set your club on a better
plane going back, enabling you to make a correct weight transfer to your right hand side and not hang on your left.

A lot of problems through impact will be caused by your slight reverse weight shift, as you approach impact your body will have shifted slightly left and this will mean you are stacked over the ball a bit and will struggle to clear everything out of the way, and also the club approaching from where it is at the moment it will result in timing issues

I think that your swing is decent, but it has many glaring faults that can be easily corrected. You need to remember that everything that you change need to be heavily exaggerated, and all of this can be done in front of a mirror, which I actually recommend.

1. You need to bend over more. I told sandpiper that he didn't because his swing was very upright, and 2 planish, if you going ot hardy's terms. You are more of a 1 planer, in hardy's terms, and you need to bend over more. You will get better ballstriking right away from doing this.

2. The 2nd thing is that you are WAY too flat on the backswing. Where you driver shaft should point somewhere around the ball [ pointing at the ball would be perfect ] at 9 oclock [ where your left arm is parallel to the ground ], yours is pointing across the street somewhere. There are many ways to do this, namingly one that charnock said in feeling the clubface be closed towards the ball [ even though I'd add throughout the whole swing ], but because I've struggled with this same thing, I've found something that I felt worked much better. It also basically makes you have a very good backswing [ 1ps ] and gets the club much more upright [ if anything, too upright, which is much better than too flat ], and all you have to think about is your right forearm and elbow!

First, you will have to star the club back the first few feet before you can do these things [ or else you'd take your right elbow into your right hip! ]. Then [ actually looking at the vid, you sort of already do this, but here it goes ] you feel sort of a lawnmower full, the right elbow goes straight back. The main thing here is that you need to keep the hands very quiet, I always think about keeping the cup in my left wrist if I'm struggling with this. If you do it correctly, when the SHAFT of the club is parallel to the ground, it'll be inside your toe line, and the clubface will be CLOSED [ how much depending on how bent over you are ]. You can see this done extremely well on brady riggs site [ if you dont' have the pass, get it, its a great site ] http://redgoat.smugmug.com/index.mg?UserID=6397&offered=yes& with peter jacobson.

From this point, its very simple [ like the last one wasnt'!! ]. You just feel your elbow go straight up [ because hopefully, you've already taken it back pretty far ], and at the same time your right FOREARM rotating. This is done in one single motion. The right forearm rotation will get the club on plane, if you didn't have it, the club would be almost vertical. You keep rotating until the top, and remember, if you aren't to parallel, you should be layed off.

The toughest thing about it is blending it together once you feel the positions. I know thats alot of words, for really what is very simple, but I didnt' wanna leave any details out. To be quiet simple, you just pull your elbow back, then at the same time go up with it [ its going to feel very vertical ] and rotate the right forearm. That's it. You will then have a very good backswing, and will never be too flat again [ as long as you don't rotate the hell out of that forearm ]. Hopefully you read all of this!

Those are the 2 main things that you can fix very quickly. You do get a little crazy with the hips, sort of a colin Montgomerie thing. After you get those 2 things done, I'd really focus on making a good turn. It's hard to get power with that hip slide that you have. Here is another vid of 2 good swings that you can get a few things from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YajzPc03HY .

Anyway, hope that helps!!

I figured I'd reiterate that your biggest problem is your flatness with the club on the backswing. If you decide not to do what I said in my last post, or what charnock said in his, I'd find out some way to get that fixed. It's better to be more vertical in the backswing than in the downswing path than flatter.
wow, thanks benk and charnock. lots of things to work on in the winter. id never by viewing a vid be able to see things so in depth.
thanks again.

Bout to go to bed, but I'd thought I'd add something [ sants coming! ]. I think that Charnock's way to do it is good, but I don't believe you will able to get the results you want from it because of the degree of the flatness in your backswing. Because you are SO flat, unless you EXAGERATE THE ABSOLUTE HELL out of his move, I don't think it will do it for you. I used this thought, but I was barely flatter than my downswing plane, and personally, I believe that this is the only place for this swing thought, unless, as I said earlier, you just exaggerate it to no end. But its tought to do. Just thought I'd add that in there just to let you know that if you feel that move is easier, be sure to exaggerate it to no end.
There was more than one point made there, the thing with the golf swing is it is a sequence of movements afected by the previous movement, so working on his takeaway will affect his overall positions through the different swing dimensions, he needs to work on that first move with mirrors or camera and then keep posting and he will see some improvement.

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